
Sanjeev Arora efficient algorithms and models for unsupervised learning

Michael Berry  neural computation in the visual system

William Bialek optimality; the interface between physics and biology

Lisa Boulanger immune-brain interactions

Carlos Brody  short-term memory, decision-making, time perception

Tim Buschman neural basis of cognitive control

Jonathan Cohen cognitive neuroscience

Nathaniel Daw reward, learning, and decisions making

Lauren Emberson cognitive neuroscientific methods to understand how experience supports development starting very early in infancy

Barbara Engelhardt machine learning

Lynn Enquist neurovirology; mechanisms of herpesvirus pathogenesis

Alan Gelperin  cellular and synaptic basis of learning and memory storage

Asif Ghazanfar sensorimotor processing of social signals in the primate brain

Elizabeth Gould effects of experience on brain structure in rodents and primates

Michael Graziano direct neuronal recordings and neuronal stimulation in awake, behaving primates to address the question of how the brain controls movement

Uri Hasson   fMRI imaging and the neural basis of social communication

Philip Holmes nonlinear dynamics and differential equations, developing qualitative and analytical methods for studying mathematical models of biomechanical and neural systems

Sabine Kastner  neural mechanisms underlying visual perception and their modulation by top-down processes such as selective attention; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); behavioral and electrophysiological studies in humans with single-cell physiology; lesions and fMRI in non-human primates 

Andrew Leifer neural dynamics that drive behavior in the model organism C. elegans

Naomi Leonard control theory, analyzing and designing the behavior of complex, feedback dynamical systems in biology and robotics

Kai Li knowledge base construction, data analysis, and parallel and distributed systems

Lindy McBride genetic and neuronal basis of behavior

Coleen Murphy molecular basis of the aging process

Mala Murthy acoustic communication system of Drosophila

Yael Niv  human and animal reinforcement learning and decision making

Kenneth Norman neural network models; learning and memory

Jonathan Pillow neural coding and computation

Peter J. Ramadge fMRI imaging, video and image processing, hybrid dynamic systems, and computer based control

Olga Russakovsky developing artificially intelligent systems that are able to reason about the visual world

Sebastian Seung relating structure and function and neural circuits

Diana Tamir human social cognition

David Tank measurement and analysis of neural circuit dynamics

Jordan Taylor motor skill acquisition

Alexander Todorov cognitive and neural mechanisms of social perception

Sam Wang sensory learning and integration; optical approaches to cerebellar function; evolution of neural circuitry

Ilana Witten neural circuitry underlying reward learning and decision making